Discipline Paragraph is the most important paragraph for jsc, ssc and hsc examination. So every student should learn this Discipline paragraph immediately. Today, I have written this paragraph with bangla meaning so that you can learn this discipline paragraph easily. I hope, you will be able to learn it very quickly by reading this easy paragraph with bangla meaning. So Don't waste your time, right now start reading this paragraph.

  • Write a paragraph about Discipline
  • Write a composition about Discipline    
  • Write a essay about Discipline
  • Discipline Paragraph for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jsc, ssc and hsc exam with bangla meaning
  • Discipline Paragraph for jsc,ssc, hsc, honours and any other examinations
  • Discipline Paragraph in 150 words
  • Discipline Paragraph with Bangla Meaning
  • Discipline Composition
  • A composition on Discipline or class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jsc, ssc and hsc exam with bangla meaning
  • Write an essay on Discipline for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

01. Discipline Paragraph for jsc,ssc, hsc, honours and any other examinations

Disciple Paragraph in 200 words

Discipline means training of the mind and character. It is obedience to rules and an orderly behavior. It also refers to the practices involved in to regulate the human behaviour accordance to a set of predetermined rules. There is a need and importance of discipline in our society and in our life. In our home, in schools, in the playground and everywhere in this world discipline brings order. The absence of discipline brings disorder and chaos. There are some rules that control our activities. If we do not respect these rules, our life will be like a boat without the boatman. If we do not obey our parents at home, our teachers at school and the referee or the umpire in the playground, we can imagine what will happen. So both our parents and the teachers are very anxious to make us see the need for discipline. They want us to grow up like disciplined soldiers. In the armed forces discipline is everything. Without discipline the army is a rabble. Like them we all must be disciplined, so that everybody can be proud schools.

বাংলা অর্থ ও উচ্চারণসহ Discipline Paragraph টি পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।


Discipline Paragraph in 150 words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

Discipline means obedience to specific rules and regulations. Man cannot live alone. He has to live in society. So, he cannot do whatever he likes. He has to abide by the rules of society. This obedience to rules and regulations is called discipline. Discipline is necessary for every walk of life. It is necessary at home, schools, colleges, and office. We have to have discipline in every walk of our life. Discipline is more valuable in the army. Every soldier must follow certain rules and obey the orders of the commander. Discipline makes one a good citizen, too. So, it is necessary that we practice discipline from our childhood. Discipline can lead a man to progress and prosperity. If there is no discipline in one’s life, he is sure to fail. A family, which has discipline, is always happy. So, we should have discipline in our life.


Discipline Composition / Write a composition on Discipline / Write an essay on Discipline

Discipline basically means having an orderly manner or behavior in whatever one does. It is the training of mind and character.

Discipline is very much a necessity in our life, in our society, at our homes, schools and wherever one may be.

In short, discipline is very much important in every walk of life. Man is a social animal and he has to live in harmony with others. This is only possible when he abides by a certain order and does not work according to his sweet will.

Learning of discipline to be learnt from our very childhood. Like education Discipline also begins at home. The school playing ground offers opportunity to learn Discipline. The value of discipline can not be expressed in words.

Discipline is a habit that gets acquired over a period of time. Right from childhood, children are taught how to be discipline and well behaved. If they do not get the understanding and importance of being disciplined, their lives would be disorganized which may end them up in great loses. When a child is bought up in a discipline manner, they would develop a good personality that would be with them wherever they may be. Discipline would make people more civilized and ordered.

Discipline helps to keep us in order and also makes us to respect one another`s thoughts and views. Though some people argue that being discipline interrupts one`s freedom of thought, it is not true. Being discipline only would help one to be ordered and systematic thereby leading to a more controlled kind of character that would only bring more peace and harmony to the society.

Society and nature are the best disciplinarians. When one violates their laws, you end up in trouble and would be punishable. If one wishes to achieve anything in life, one has to be disciplined or else nothing could be achieved. Lack of discipline in one's life is like a ship without a rudder, you are totally lost, from everybody and from everything. Being discipline is the basic key to being successful in life. It is key to all progress and prosperity.


Write an essay on Discipline / Write a composition about Discipline

Discipline is something that keeps each person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life and achieve  success.  Everyone follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Besides, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some people consider it a part of their life and some don’t. It is the guide that availability directs a person on the right path.

Without discipline, the life of a person will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined person can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not.

Moreover, if you have a plan and you want to implement it in your life then you need discipline. It makes things easy for you to handle and ultimately bring success to your life.

If talk about the types of discipline, then they are generally of two types. First one is induced discipline and the second one is self discipline.
Induced discipline is something that others taught us or we learn by seeing others. While self discipline  comes from within and we learn it on our own self. Self discipline requires a lot of motivation and support from others. Above all, following your daily schedule without any mistake is also part of being disciplined.


Discipline Paragraph for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jsc, ssc and hsc exam with bangla meaning

Discipline Paragraph with Bangla Meaning

Discipline means training of the mind and character. It is obedience to rules and an orderly behavior. 
শৃঙ্খলা বলতে মন ও চরিত্রের প্রশিক্ষণকে বুঝায়।  এটি নিয়মের আনুগত্য এবং সুশৃঙ্খল আচরণ।

It also refers to the practices involved in to regulate the human behaviour accordance to a set of pre-determined rules. এটি পূর্ব নির্ধারিত নিয়মের একটি সেট অনুসারে মানব আচরণ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে জড়িত অনুশীলনগুলোকেও বোঝায়।

There is a need and importance of discipline in our society and in our life. In our home, in schools, in the playground and everywhere in this world discipline brings order.আমাদের সমাজে এবং আমাদের জীবনে শৃঙ্খলার প্রয়োজনীয়তা এবং গুরুত্ব রয়েছে।  আমাদের বাড়িতে, খেলার মাঠে, স্কুলে এবং এই বিশ্বের যে কোনও জায়গায় শৃঙ্খলা ক্রম নিয়ে আসে।

The absence of discipline brings disorder and chaos(চাউছ). There are some rules that control our activities.
অনুশাসনের অনুপস্থিতি ব্যাধি এবং বিশৃঙ্খলা এনে দেয়।  কিছু নিয়ম রয়েছে যা আমাদের ক্রিয়াকলাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে।

If we do not respect these rules, our life will be like a boat without the boatman.আমরা যদি এই নিয়মগুলোকে সম্মান না করি তবে আমাদের জীবন নৌকা মাঝি ছাড়া নৌকার মতো হবে।

If we do not obey our parents at home, our teachers at school and the referee or the umpire in the playground, we can imagine what will happen. 
যদি আমরা বাড়িতে বাবা-মাকে, স্কুলে আমাদের শিক্ষককে এবং খেলার মাঠে রেফারি বা আম্পায়ারকে না মানি তবে কী হবে আমরা তা অনুমান করতে পারি।

So both our parents and the teachers are very anxious to make us see the need for discipline. They want us to grow up like disciplined soldiers. 
সুতরাং আমাদের বাবা-মা এবং শিক্ষকরা উভয়ই আমাদেরকে শৃঙ্খলার প্রয়োজনীয়তা দেখাতে উদ্বিগ্ন।  তারা চায় আমরা সুশৃঙ্খল সৈন্যদের মতো বেড়ে উঠুক।

In the armed forces discipline is everything. Without discipline the army is a rabble. Like them we all must be disciplined, so that everybody can be proud.
সশস্ত্র বাহিনীতে শৃঙ্খলা সবই।  শৃঙ্খলা ব্যতিরেকে সেনাবাহিনী একটি ধ্বংসস্তূপ।  তাদের মতো আমাদের সকলকে অবশ্যই শৃঙ্খলাবদ্ধ হতে হবে, যাতে প্রত্যেকেই আমাদের জন্য গর্বিত হতে পারে।