Agronomy Questions for bsc (honours) in Botany students or botany degree students. Today, I have given most important agronomy questions. Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants in agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, and land restoration. It is both a humanitarian career and a scientific one. Agronomy has come to encompass work in the areas of plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science.
- Agronomy Questions for BSc Honours in Botany
- Agronomy Questions for Botany degree students
- Agronomy for Botany students
- Agronomy most important questions
- Agronomy questions and answers
- Agronomy Question University of Chittagong
- Agronomy Suggestions
First Year B. Sc. (Honours) Examination 2019
Course No. BOT. 106
Course Title: Agronomy
Department of Botany
University of Chittagong
Full Marks: 75
Time: 4 hours
[Answer any FIVE questions. Figures in the right margin indicate full
marks. Give labeled diagram (s) wherever necessary. All parts of each
question must be answered subsequently.)
1. (a) Define agronomy and mention the scopes of it.
(b) Describe the basic principles of agronomy.
(c) With examples classify crops on the basis of economic
2. (a) What are the objectives of tillage?
(b) Describe different types of tillage.
(c) Write the merits and demerits of tillage.
3. (a) Write down the needs of drainage in agricultural field.
(b) Describe different types of surface drainage systems.
(c) Mention the advantages and disadvantages of drainage.
4. (a) Define mono, multiple and relay cropping systems
(b) Describe different types of multiple cropping systems
giving example in each.
(c) With example classify intercropping and write their
advantages and disadvantages.
5. Describe the cultivation of jute under the following heads
(a) Preparation of land;
(b) Fertilizer doses and time of application,
(c) Post sowing management and
(d) Fiber extraction.
6. Describe the modern methods of sugarcane cultivation under
the following heads:
(a) Preparation of land;
(b) Fertilizer doses;
(C) Sowing methods,
(d) Diseases management and
(e) Cultivation of intercrops.
7. (a) Mentioning the families write the scientific names of ten
weeds found in the crop fields of Bangladesh.
(b) Mention the harmful and beneficial effects of weeds.
8. Write notes on:
(a) Biofertilizer;
(b) Diseases of wheat;
(C) Classification of manures;
(d) Sprinkler irrigation and
(e) Modern tillage implements.
First Year B. Sc. (Honours) Examination 2018
Department of Botany
University of Chittagong
Course No. Bot. 106
Course Title: Agronomy
Time: 4 hours
Marks: 75
[Answer any five questions. Figures on the right margin indicate full marks. Give labeled diagrams wherever necessary. All parts of each question should be answered subsequently.]
1. (a) Give a brief account of origin and history of Agriculture.
(b) Describe the principles of Agronomy.
(c) With example classify crops on the botanical basis and
economic values.
2. (a)
What is the importance of irrigation in field crops? Mention
the criteria considered for irrigation.
(b) Define irrigation. Mention the types of irrigation applied for crop fields.
(c) Describe following irrigation systems along with their
advantages and disadvantages in field crops:
(i) Surface irrigation and (ii) Micro irrigation
(a) What are the difference between manure and fertilizer?
(b) Write the names of three nitrogenous two potassic and two
phosphoric fertilizers.
c) Mention the time for the application of manure and fertilizers.
d) Describe the methods of application of manures and fertilizers
in crop fields
4. (a)
What is meant by crop rotation?
(b) Write the principles of crop rotation.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of crop rotation.
(d) Give a crop rotation scheme in different types of land.
5. (a)
Write the characteristics of high yielding varieties of rice.
(b) Describe the modern methods of cultivation of rice under the
following heads:
(i) Preparation of land; (ii) Sowing method;
(iii) Weed control; and (iv) Harvesting
6. (a)
Write the name of three commercial varieties of cotton
mentioning two important characters of each.
(b) Describe the modern cultivation methods of cotton under the
following heads:
(i) Preparation of land (ii) Sowing method
(iii) Post sowing management (iv)Harvesting
7. (a) Define weeds. Classifyweeds with examples.
(b) Describe the biological control measures of weeds with
(c) Write the scientific names and families of ten weeds found in
the crop fields of Bangladesh.
Write notes on
(a) Post sowing management of jute;
(b) Traditional implements in agriculture;
(c) Drainage;
(d) Intercropping and mixed cropping; and
(e) Tillage.
First Year B.Sc. (Hons.) Examination 2017
Subject -- Botany
Course No.- Bot. 106
Course Title - Agronomy
Full Marks - 75
Time - 4 Hours
(Answer any FIVE questions. Figures on the right margin indicate full marks. Give labeled diagrams wherever necessary.]
1. a. Define Agronomy.
b. Write the scope of Agronomy.
c. Describe the basic principles of Agronomy.
d. With examples classify crops on agronomic or Classification according to cultural requirements.
2. a. What are the objectives of tillage?
b. Describe different types of tillage.
c. Write the merits and demerits of different types of tillage.
3. a. What are the needs of drainage?
b. Describe the different types of surface drainage system.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of drainage.
4. a. What are the objectives of multiple cropping?
b. Write the advantages and disadvantages of multiple cropping.
What are the intercropping and mixed cropping?
d. With example classify intercropping and write the advantages and
disadvantages of intercropping.
5. Describe the cultivation of Wheat under the following heads:
a. Name of four varieties and write their salient features;
b. Preparation of land;
C. Irrigation;
d. Harvesting;
Name of pathogen of diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, virus and
6. Describe the cultivation of Jute under the following heads:
a. Preparation of land;
b. Fertilizer dose per hectare and time of application;
c. Post sowing management;
d. Retting of Jute stem.
7. a. Define weeds.
b. Mention the major characteristic of weeds.
c. Discuss the harmful effects of weeds.
d. Write the scientific names with family of ten (10) weeds found in
the crop field in Bangladesh.
8.Write notes on:
a Biofertilizer;
b. Sprinkler irrigation system;
c. Advantages of crop rotation;
d. Disadvantage of manuring; and
e. Lentil.
Department of Botany
University of Chittagong
First Year B.Sc. Examination - 2016
Course No. BOT. 106
Course Title: Agronomy
Full Marks: 75
Time: 4 hours
Answer any five questions. Figures on the right margin indicate full
marks. Give labeled diagrams wherever necessary. All parts of
each question must be answered subsequently.]
1. a.
Give a brief account of history of Agronomy.
b. Describe the basic principles of Agronomy.
With examples classify crops on the botanical basis
and economic values.
2. a. What are the needs of irrigation in field crops?
b. Describe the following irrigation systems:
i) Surface irrigation; and
11) Sprinkler irrigation.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of
surface irrigation in field crops.
3.(a)What are the differences between manures and
b. Write the name of three nitrogenous, two potassic
and two phosphoric fertilizers.
Describe the application methods of different
d. Describe the preparation of compost following
surface method.
4.a. Write the characteristics of high yielding varieties
(HYV) of rice
b. Describe the modern cultivation method of rice
under following heads:
1) Preparation of land: and
ii) Fertilizer does/ha.
(c)Write the name of one causal organism of each type
of Viral. Bacterial, Fungal and Nematode diseases of
5. a.Write the name of five recommended varieties of
each of cotton and mustard.
b. Describe the modern cultivation method of cotton.
(c)Mention the post sowing management of mustard and lentil
6.a. Describe the cultivation method of sugarcane under
the following heads:
i) Preparation of land;
ii) Fertilizer dose/ha.;
111) Sowing method of cuttings;
iv) Control of disease and
v) Cultivation of intercrops.
7.a. With examples classify weeds.
b. Write the scientific name of ten (10) weeds with,
family name found in the crop field of Bangladesh.
With example describe the biological control measures of weeds.
8. Write notes on:
a) Cultivation of wheat;
b) Intercropping and mixed cropping;
c) Advantages of crop rotation;
d) Retting of jute stem and
e) Biofertilizers.
1st Year B.Sc. (Honours) Examination 2015
Course No. BOT. 107
Course Title: Soil Science
Marks: 50
[Answer any FIVE questions. Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Give labeled diagram wherever necessary. All parts of each question must be answered subsequently.]
Time: 3 hours
1.(a) Define soil.
What are the demands of plants on soil?
(c) “Soil is a medium for plants growth” explain the statement.
2.(a) Distinguish between rocks and minerals.
(b) Write the characteristics of the main classes of rocks.
Write the Jenny's soil forming equation.
3.(a) Define soil texture.
(b) Classify soil according to USDA soil textural classes.
(C) Differentiate between soil texture and soil structure.
4.(a) What is soil pH?
(b) Briefly describe the effect of pH on nutrient availability and the
activity of soil microorganisms.
(c) How does pH affect cation exchange capacity of soil?
5.(a) Define soil moisture.
(b) Write the biological classification of soil moisture.
(c) What is meant by water logging?
6.(a) Differentiate between soil organic matter and humus.
(b) Mention the composition of soil organic matter.
(c) Write the properties of Fulvic acid, Humic acid and Humin.
7.(a) What is meant by soil classification?
(b) Write the purpose of soil classification.
(c) List the general types of soil of Bangladesh and describe any two of
8. Write notes on :
fa) Soil profile;
(b) Methods of soil conservation;
(c) Soil fertility and productivity; and
(d) Soil forming factors.