Once upon a time, there was a king in England Named Lear. He had three daughters. One day he made up his mind to divide his kingdom among them. So he called them in the court and asked each of them how much they loved him. The three daughters were Goneril, the eldest Regan and the youngest Cordelia. The king ordered Goneril to speak first. The eldest told her father that she had loved him more than word could say. She also said that her father was dearer than eyesight and liberty. It was beyond what one could imagine. She loved him more than a child ever loved its father, she concluded...................................................................................................................
King Lear and his Daughters
Once upon a time, there was a king in England Named Lear. He had three daughters. One day he made up his mind to divide his kingdom among them. So he called them in the court and asked each of them how much they loved him. The three daughters were Goneril, the eldest Regan and the youngest Cordelia. The king ordered Goneril to speak first. The eldest told her father that she had loved him more than word could say. She also said that her father was dearer than eyesight and liberty. It was beyond what one could imagine. She loved him more than a child ever loved its father, she concluded.
Then came the turn of the second daughter. She told her father that she loved him as her elder sister did. At that moment the king became very happy. Then he asked his younger daughter to tell her love for him. It is noted that the king loved her very dearly and thought himself that she would tell him more than her two sisters. But what happened was quite disappointing. Cordelia told him that she loved according to her bond, no more, no less. Hearing this the king got furious and told her to change it. But she argued that her sisters told him lies. She questioned that if they loved him more, what about their husbands. But the king was so shocked at her that he could not accept anything she uttered.
Finally the king disinherited his youngest daughter and divided his kingdom between Goneril and Regan. Cordelia took shelter in a forest. One day the Prince of France came hunting and saw her. He became very impressed at her beauty and married her.
In the meantime, the king became the burden of the two daughters. They did not like the king as before. He felt great shocked understanding the falsehood of his two daughters. He became very sick. One day the two daughters drove him away of the kingdom. Cordelia came to know that and forwarded with French army to the kingdom and rescued his father. The King Understood the real love of his youngest beloved daughter.
Moral of the story: A person's actions speak louder than words alone.
- A King Without a Kingdom completing story
- King Lear and his Daughters completing story for hsc examination
- Write a completing story on A King Without a Kingdom
- A King Without a Kingdom completing story for ssc and hsc examination
- A King Without a Kingdom completing story for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Completing Story - 02:
A King Without a Kingdom
Long ago there lived a mighty old king in England. His name was king Lear. He was tired of ruling and needed rest. He made up his mind to step down the throne and divide his kingdom. He had three daughters. Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. He decided tio divide his kingdom into three parts and give each to each of his daughters. But before giving it he wanted to know how much they loved him. At first Lear asked his eldest daughter,” How much do you love me?” Goneril answered,” Sir, I love you more than I can say.” King Lear was pleased and went to ask the same question to his second daughter Regan. She answered,” My love for you shall never change any time.” Lear became so much satisfied hearing the answer. Then it came the turn of Cordelia, his youngest daughter whom he loved most. Cordelia did not like flattering. She replied that she loved his as much as a daughter should love her father.
King Lear became very much furious at her reply. He derived away her from his country and divided his kingdom between his two daughters. Cordelia took shelter in a forest. One day the Prince of France came hunting and saw her. He became very impressed at her beauty and married her.
In the meantime, the king became the burden of the two daughters. They did not like the king as before. He felt great shocked understanding the falsehood of his two daughters. He became very sick.
One day the two daughters drove him away of the kingdom. Cordelia came to know that and forwarded with French army to the kingdom and rescued his father. The King Understood the real love of his youngest beloved daughter.
- What is the moral of the story King Lear and his daughters? The moral of King Lear is the idea that 'a person's actions speak louder than words alone'. It is very easy to say one thing and do another.
- What was the relationship of King Lear and his three daughters? No wonder that when their father loses power, the older daughters of King Lear have their revenge, not even pretending to love and respect their father. We can only guess how much of a hit was King Lear's betrayal for Cordelia. But still her unconditional love is rewarded with another love of the same kind.
- What happened when King Lear want to stay with his daughter? King Lear goes to stay with his oldest daughter Goneril. She asks him to reduce the number of his followers because of their noise and behavior. He is deeply offended and goes to stay with his daughter Regan instead. Regan makes sure she is not at home and goes to Gloucester's house.
- How does King Lear treat his daughters? King Lear's treatment of his three daughters is quintessentially toxic. He demands his children, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia, make a public show of their love for him. He then goes on, in later scenes, to continue to insist that this love should manifest as unconditional indulgence of his wants.
- What is the main lesson in King Lear? Lear learns a fundamental lesson about the power of consent. He understands he cannot unilaterally determine how their relations unfold. Instead, he sees his role as supplicant when he says “I will kneel,” and honors Cordelia's agency and autonomy when he acknowledges it is her choice to ask for his blessing
King Lear and his Daughters completing story with Bangla meaning
Once there was a king in England named King Lear.
একদা ইংল্যান্ডে কিং লিয়ার নামে এক রাজা ছিলেন।
As he grew old, he wanted to divide his kingdom among his three daughters- Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.
তিনি বৃদ্ধ হওয়ার সাথে সাথে তার রাজত্বকে তার তিন কন্যা- গনেরিল, রিগ্যান এবং কর্ডেলিয়ার মধ্যে ভাগ করে দিতে চেয়েছিলেন।
One day he called his daughters in his court and asked each of them how much they loved him.
একদিন তিনি তার কন্যাদের প্রত্যেককে তার দরবারে ডেকে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন যে তারা তাকে কতটা ভালোবাসে।
First Lear asked his eldest daughter Goneril.
প্রথমে লিয়ার তার বড় মেয়ে গনেরিলকে জিজ্ঞেস করলেন।
Goneril declared that she loved him more than she could say.
গনেরিল ঘোষণা করল যে, সে তাকে যতটুকু বলা সম্ভব তার চেয়ে বেশি ভালোবাসে।
The answer satisfied the king.
উত্তরে রাজা সন্তুষ্ট হলেন।
He asked for the map of his kingdom and drew his finger round one-third of it and allotted it for Goneril.
তিনি তার রাজ্যের মানচিত্র চাইলেন এবং তার আঙুলের সাহায্যে এর এক-তৃতীয়াংশ নির্দেশ করলেন এবং তা গনেরিলের জন্য বরাদ্দ করলেন।
The king then uttered the same question to his second daughter Regan.
রাজা তারপর তার দ্বিতীয় কন্যা রিগ্যানকে একই প্রশ্ন করলেন।
Regan replied that her love for him would never end and change.
রিগ্যান উত্তর দিল যে, তার প্রতি তার ভালোবাসা কখনো শেষ এবং পরিবর্তন হবে না।
Lear was very pleased and gave her another one-third of his kingdom.
লিয়ার খুব খুশি হলেন এবং তাকে তার রাজ্যের আর এক তৃতীয়াংশ দিলেন।
Then it was the turn of Cordelia, the youngest and the most beloved daughter of the king.
তারপর কর্ডেলিয়ার পালা যে ছিল রাজার সবচেয়ে ছোট এবং সবচেয়ে প্রিয় কন্যা।
King’s expectation from her was more than the two other daughters.
তার কাছ থেকে রাজার প্রত্যাশা অন্য দুই কন্যার চেয়ে বেশি ছিল।
But Cordelia answered otherwise.
কিন্তু কর্ডেলিয়া ভিন্নভাবে উত্তর দিল।
She did not want to flatter her father like her two sisters.
সে তার দুই বোনের মতো বাবাকে তোষামোদ করতে চায়নি।
She gently spoke the truth that when she would be married, her love would, to great extent, be stored for her husband.
সে কোমলভাবে সত্যটি প্রকাশ করল যে, যখন সে বিবাহিত হবে, তখন তার ভালবাসা অনেকাংশে তার স্বামীর জন্য সঞ্চিত থাকবে।
So, her love for father could not be unconditional.
সুতরাং, বাবার প্রতি তার ভালবাসা শর্তহীন হতে পারে না।
This reply enraged the king and he instantly disinherited Cordelia from his property and also banished her from the kingdom.
এই উত্তরটি রাজাকে ক্রুদ্ধ করে এবং তিনি তৎক্ষনাৎ কর্ডেলিয়াকে তার সম্পত্তির উত্তরাধিকার থেকে বঞ্চিত করেন এবং তাকে রাজ্য থেকেও বহিষ্কার করেন।
Through a long historic tragedy, Lear could understand that he made a great mistake in identifying the true daughter.
দীর্ঘ ঐতিহাসিক ট্র্যাজেডির মধ্য দিয়ে লিয়ার বুঝতে পেরেছিলেন যে তিনি তার সত্যসিদ্ধ কন্যাকে সনাক্ত করতে বিরাট ভুল করে ফেলেছেন।
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Completing Story A King Without a Kingdom King Lear and his Daughters |
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