Mobile Phone Paragraph: Mobile phone is a wonderful invention of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It works without any wire. It can be moved easily. Through mobile phone we can send messages to distant places. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing rapidly. The price of mobile phone is also decreasing. Now a very single moment we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. However, scientists have recently discovered that mobile can cause cancer to the users. Terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages can not be denied in our practical life.
Write a Paragraph on:
- Mobile Phone Paragraph in 100 words for class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- Mobile Phone Paragraph in 150 words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
- Mobile Phone Paragraph in 200 words for class 11 and 12
- Mobile Phone Paragraph for class jsc examination
- Mobile Phone Paragraph for class ssc examination
- Mobile Phone Paragraph for class hsc examination
- A paragraph on Mobile Phone in 100 words
- Mobile Phone Paragraph in 150 words
- Mobile Phone Paragraph in 200 words for hsc exam
- Write a paragraph on ‘ Mobile Phone ‘ by answering the questions
Paragraph - 02:
Mobile Phone Paragraph in 100 words for class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Mobile Phone
It is a telephone system that works without any wire. We can communicate with the people of remote places. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through the mobile phones, now we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, watch TV programs or news, solve the work of calculation and collect information. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phones can cause cancer to users. Besides, it has become a fashion among young people. They are becoming addicted to using social media networks and wasting their important time. Terrorists are using it to commit terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all its disadvantages, it can be said that the mobile phone is very necessary for fast communication.
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Mobile Phone Paragraph |
Mobile Phone Paragraph is an important paragraph for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, JSC, SSC and HSC examination. A paragraph on Mobile Phone should be written in 100 words for class 3, 4 and class 5. On the other hand, Mobile Phone Paragraph should be written in 150 words for class 6, 7, 8 and for JSC examination. On the contrary, a paragraph on Mobile Phone should be written in 200 words for class 9, 10 and for SSC examination. For HSC examination, I will suggest to write Mobile Phone Paragraph within 200 words to 250 words. Here, I have given some sample of Mobile Phone Paragraph. I have written here Mobile Phone Paragraph in 100 words for Class 3, 4 and for class 5. Here, Mobile Phone Paragraph has been written in 150 words for class 6, 7 and for class 8. A Paragraph on Mobile Phone has been written here in 200 words for class 9, 10, 11, 12 and SSC, HSC examination.
Paragraph - 03:
Mobile Phone Paragraph in 150 words for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, JSC and HSC exam
Mobile Phone
The mobile phone is an important medium of communication. It is a portable electronic device. With a mobile phone, one can talk anywhere in the world within the shortest possible time. The man who sends the message has to pay the bill but the receiver responds free. Mobile is the greatest invention of the 21st century. Nowadays it is an all-purpose tool that is used in most sector modern lifelike; home, service, business, and education. Especially the businessman and the serviceman are greatly benefited through the use of mobile phones. It is useful for doctors and high officials. Sometimes terrorists and criminals carry out their evil desires and commit crimes without much difficulty using the phone. It should be checked. Above all, it is an essential part of our modern life.
Most Important 15 Paragraph for SSC and HSC Examination [100% common for all Board ]:
- Bangabandhu Satellite Paragraph
- Diaspora Paragraph
- Rohingya Crisis Paragraph
- Historic 7th March Speech Paragraph
- Environment Pollution Paragraph
- Etiquette And Manner Paragraph
- Modern Technology Paragraph
- Food Adulteration Paragraph
- Adolescence Paragraph
- Diaspora Paragraph
- Corona Virus Paragraph
- Female Education Paragraph
- Price Hike Paragraph
- Gender Discrimination Paragraph
- Folk Music Paragraph
Paragraph - 04:
Mobile Phone Paragraph in 200 words for class 9, 10, 11, 12 and SSC, HSC exam
Mobile Phone
A mobile phone is a wonderful invention for information technology. It is a cordless phone by which we can communicate and talk to others in the shortest possible time. Before the mobile phone was invented, communication and the messaging system were very hard. But the mobile phone has now lessened the distance of the world. Everyone can bear it with him because of its small size. Thus, it has turned the world into a global village. It is a pragmatic and interesting matter that nowadays messaging and internet system has been added to it. Using a mobile phone set one can take photographs, browse the internet, watch video films, manage world files and so on. An ultra-modern mobile phone set is indeed a mini-computer. All these factors have made it popular among the users. Though it was a sign of aristocracy in the past, now it is found in everyone’s hand in our country. Grameenphone, Citycell, Robi, Banglalink, Teletalk, Airtel and some other mobile phone companies provide us this service. However, with all the merits, a mobile phone has some demerits too. It is injurious to our health. It harms our brain when we talk through it. The excessive use of mobile phones often causes fatal diseases like brain tumors, cancer, etc. So, we should be conscious of using it. But yet, we can say that it has made our life peaceful and comfortable. Though it has some demerits, it is truly a blessing for modern life.
Paragraph - 05:
Paragraph on Mobile Phone in 200 to 250 words for Class 11, 12, HSC and All Competitive Exams
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone is a device that helps us to communicate with people without any connection of wire. It’s the ultra-modern version of Radio. Radio came out with the idea of wireless speaking and sending a voice message. Nowadays everyone is having a mobile phone on their hand. You have got one for sure and I am also having one. There was a time when people used a mobile phone only a device to call or send a message to someone. But now, its a lot more than just a way of communicates. Smartphones show up with so many unique and awesome features that will blow our minds. There are three major versions Java, Android, and iOS for mobile. Java and Symbian are pretty much expired and now it’s all about Android and iOS. Google owns the Android platform and there are millions of mobile apps or software available in Play Store for Android devices. iOS is owned by Apple and their mobiles are known as the iPhone. Their platform is also very famous; you can find your important apps in iTunes. From a calculator to word processing software, everything is available on mobile devices now. People are innovating new apps every day and these are solving so many problems of us. And ultimately mobile is helping us to be smart, learn new things and stay connected with peoples. That has brought opportunities in businesses as well. People are using the internet and being connected with so many other people and build the scope of business. There are so many online shops and websites where people can buy their needed products ordering online and paying online with their mobile devices. Most of the banks have started online services, with their own app; you can manage your bank account. It has been easy, secure and accessible for everyone. A mobile phone is saving thousands of hours of time every day. So we can tell that the Mobile Phone is nothing but a blessing for mankind, this awesome creation has taken part in our life as a major important tool. Of course, it has good and bad sides, we need to accept it as a good side and need to use it for improving our life.
Most Important and Common 10 Completing story for SSC and HSC Examination:
(Just click on the name below)
01. Money cannot Bring Happiness
03. The Scholar and the Boatman
04. Slow and Steady Wins the Race
05. A King Without a Kingdom/King Lear and his Daughters
06. A Trick of a Cunning Fox Went in Vain
07. Do not Believe a Flatterer / A Sly Fox and a Foolish Crow
08. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
09. Perseverance is the key to Success
10. An Honest woodcutter/ Honesty is the best policy.
Paragraph - 06:
Write a paragraph on ‘ Mobile Phone ‘ by answering the questions
- What is a mobile phone?
- How does it work?
- What kind of invention is it?
- How can one be benefited from mobile?
- What are the drawbacks of mobile phones?
Mobile Phone
A mobile phone is a great invention of modern science because a user can carry it wherever he goes out. It has made interpersonal communication very easy and fast. We can communicate with any person we like through a mobile phone. Business communication has become easier than before with the use of mobile phones and all walks of people are benefited from it. It is also helpful for students. They can search for any query over the internet and get suggestions from their friends and teachers. It has so many functionalities such as a world clock, calculator, weather, camera, sound recorder and so on. Thus it has made our daily life easy. It makes the world smaller and brings us all closer. But it is unfortunate that it has some negative aspects too. The radiation from mobile phones causes serious health problems. Scientists believe that causes brain tumours by mobile phone’s invisible and uncontrolled radioactivity. Especially, children and pregnant women and children should not use it at all. Criminals use it to commit crimes. Sometimes, people are cheated and harassed through mobile phones. Many of us spend our important time using social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. Thus, our daily activities are hampered. So, we should be careful about using a mobile phone.